buy Batman World’s Greatest Dad T-Shirt

Batman World’s Greatest Dad T-Shirt

Batman World's Greatest Dad T-Shirt

Now there is a Batman World’s Greatest Dad T-Shirt that could be perfect for you or maybe your dad.

The t-shirt is unisex and that makes it great for both men and women but as it is about a dad it maybe better for the men who read this. And this t-shirt is made from 100% cotton and comes in sizes Small – 5XL.

On this light grey t-shirt you can find a muscled Batman and then there is the text “World’s Greatest Detective” and the detective part is crossed out with a red pen and instead it says Dad.

And that makes you wonder if Batman is a great dad but your dad is awesome and kind of a superhero so why not get him this t-shirt.

Get your Batman World’s Greatest Dad T-Shirt