buy Poison Ivy Splatter T-Shirt

Poison Ivy Splatter T-Shirt

Poison Ivy Splatter T-Shirt

When Batman isn’t fighting Harley Quinn or Catwoman he has to deal with the always sligh Poison Ivy.

On this shirt you will see a paint splatter of dark green, white and red, looking closely you see that it is in the form of DC Comics super villain Poison Ivy. Her body is white, hair and extended ivy is red along with dark green to make a background and clothes.

Made from 100% cotton to give you a very durable long lasting t-shirt while also a super soft and comfortable feel, it is available in a huge selection of sizes that range from Small to 3XL and you get to choose from 18 diferent fun a vibrant t-shirt colors.

All prints can be on the front or back and check out the many different styles of hoodies, women’s fitted t-shirts, organic and more you can get the print on.

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